Descriptive text about DUFAN (Long Story)


Dufan or Fantasy World is a place of entertainment or tourist attractions in Jakarta, precisely in the area of ​​Ancol Dreamland Park, North Jakarta. Dufan become a recreational destination for residents of Jakarta and outside Jakarta or even tourists from foreign countries, either with family or friends -personal both children, youth, and even parents. Lots of diners there so the atmosphere there is very crowded. Moreover, when the holiday season arrives, we must be patient to wait in line. We wait to buy tickets. Here surely entry ticket is quite expensive as other tourist attractions. But of course it is comparable to what we get. Here many games that are very popular and certainly not surprising exciting .so that With this exciting game certainly makes Dufan as a leading tourist spot in Jakarta. Dufan has become the preferred entertainment for the whole family and not boring to visit

In dufan place very clean. There is no garbage in the waste carelessly. Dufan place is also very interesting. Plants there in pieces so pretty and cute as a form of writing even animals. There is also an inscription "Dufan" which is often used by visitors to take pictures. If you want to get a good picture surely we have to queue up to take pictures. In addition, visitors can also take pictures with the clowns in dufan. Usually most yng clown is photographed by visitors of children.

Once we entered the region Dufan then we will see one of the rides that Turangga or carousel. Why so? Because of the location of the vehicle is exactly in front of the entrance. Carousel is huge and it is amaze. If we wanted to ride the carousel, we must patiently queue up again because of course many visitors queuing for rides up on this one. This game we can enjoy while relaxing vacation time with swirling on horseback or benches under exposure to light a variety of colorful lights.

The second rides that can be enjoyed is the home side. Named the home side for the building of this one was shaped oblique. There all the items are positioned to tilt even the floor also skewed. People who go home slanted then it will also walk sideways as well. And in order not to fall we must walk carefully or we can also hold each other in order to no fell.

Then we can proceed more game namely glass home. Inside are a lot of glass so that it will make the visitors confused to find a way out. Here we also have to be very careful because why? We'll be knocking over a glass. If that happens, we could be embarrassed later.

Next is the Forum for the Halilintar. This vehicle is one vehicle for extreme here. This game would have been very exciting and unbelievably test our adrenaline. This game is the recommended for visitors who have the guts high. Actually, this is just the thunder in the form of regular train rides. But what makes it so scary because the path is very high and at high speed even There is a rail line with a round so that when crossed it we seem to crave the upside, there is also a rail line to the derivative or slope is very high, there are even paths that dip , But do not worry for that spirited the only standard, there is also a small halilintar rides. Although both together at high speed vehicle, but at least the track is short and also low enough so safe for visitors who are afraid of heights.

But for those who like heights we can ride rides hysteria. We will be at an altitude of about 200 meters and then will slide down in a few seconds and then shooting upwards and then down again and keep repeating so of course this game will make visitors scream hysterically.

After that we could relax again by riding this ride is the Ferris wheel. Ferris wheel in this Dufan so high that we currently are at the top then we can see the size of the area Dufan. And at the peak also presented with a view that is very beautiful. Here is also very suitable for couples because the atmosphere is very romantic.

Furthermore, we can climb Kora- kora. This game makes the visitor as if were on the boat and then we wandered blindly in the actions of waves. Many visitors who felt dizzy and nauseated after the ride this ride.
Besides Kora - kora we will also be made dizzy by Tornadoo vehicle. In this game we will diputar- swivel, swivel down on a swivel upwards so many times as though we were in the middle of a tornado vortex.

Then, there is one vehicle that would make visitors become dizzy ie. Rides Ontang-Anting Dufan. In these rides as we sit on the chair seemed to fly in the air. Although it can be brought to an altitude and then twisted around in the air, a vehicle which is not classified as a vehicle for ex-tram. When this vehicle starts moving and spinning in the air.
Last extreme game that definitely make visitors dizzy is Kicir - kicir Dufan. but this vehicle is also called the Power Surge, this ride will take visitors to rotate 360 ​​degrees, twisted while cruising down swinging upwards. And of course the game is not inferior to the game such as tornadoes, lightning, hysteria, and other extreme games.

Then we can also wet to try rafting rides. When trying rafting rides, of course, we must be prepared for wet. Visitors will be invited to the area around the vehicle that looks like being in a river on the edge of the woods and across the river with a rubber boat by the strong current. The boat will spin and the torrent did not hesitate to hit your body and make it wet.

In addition it is no less exciting rides are rides Niagara. Not much different from the rafting, rides Niagara also one of the water rides in Dufan. Visitors will be invited to slide into a pool of water with a boat from a height of several meters. as the boat began to slide down into the puddle of water, it is the visitors who are in the boat will be splashing water, but precisely therein lies have fun. f we're playing a game that will make us wet before we had to prepare a change of clothes in advance, but if we can afford to forget.

But not only that, we can also try to ride a dollhouse. In this vehicle the visitor supplied water boat ready to take you touring around Indonesia and even around the world. Dolls in there is very cute. There were dolls wearing traditional dress according to the customs of the archipelago. In fact, there is also customary in other countries

In dufan we can also fantasize ria with some animation rides there. The first is . Wahana Kalila & Paddle Pop Dufan. This vehicle contains about four dimensional performances that tell about the adventures undertaken by Paddle Pop. When we watch these shows by wearing special glasses then if we go adventuring in the show. Of course, this vehicle is very exciting.

Then the fantasy the most exciting rides are the Ice Age. Here we are invited into the world of ice-like animation Ice Age. There is very cold, because the walls are walls filled with ice and a lot of ac there. In the Ice Age also provide prahu which brings us to scour the world of ice. And sometimes we rode boat also sway - rocking, so visitors can just wet from splashing water.And mugkin many more rides more exciting games in Dufan. So we should not miss a game there when we visited Dufan

But besides the rides exciting game, in Dufan too many stores - stores that sell clothes, accessories and other. We can buy it for souvenirs from here. Goods are usually there logo or mascot of Dufan, ie images Bekatan apes. But unfortunately not only the expensive prices of goods - goods that are sold there are very expensive and we are there also can not bid on it, but if we buy goods outside Dufan then the price will be fuze and also can be compromised. But of course if we are going to feel thirsty and hungry, there are also a lot of sellers or stores that sell drinks and food

Even the price of food or drinks there can cost twice of the normal price. So should we be able to bring food or drink from home so that we can save. We can eat the food that we carry in a place which is served by the Dufan to rest. We can eat, rest and enjoy the existing circumstances.

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Descriptive text about DUFAN (Long Story) Descriptive text about DUFAN (Long Story) Reviewed by Lilis Mardiana on November 14, 2016 Rating: 5

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