Drama Mini Bahasa Inggris "PENDIDIKAN"

Change for the better

At one time in the famous vocational school there are two students who like to disturb other students and always behave badly. They are Septa and Ecsa. they had been friends since childhood. One day in class ...


*** Adegan Septa dan Ecsa masuk kelas disana sudah ada Afifa...lalu Septa dan Ecsa duduk bersebelahan dan saling bercakap – cakap ***

Ecsa : “Septa, look at her. She was very diligent”
Septa: “Come here”

*** Septa dan Ecsa menyusun rencana dengan saling berbisik..Setelah selesai keduanya saling berpandangan licik ***

Septa : “Hello my friend. What are you doing ?”
*** Afifa hanya terdiam dan menunduk ***
Ecsa : “seemed to be doing homework.”  ***melihat buku yang di pegang Afifa***
Septa :” Then ,,,”** Mengambil buku **“This is also done ..”** meletakkan di meja Afifa **
Ecsa : “You do not want to?”
Afifa : “Yes, I'll finish ...”
Septa : “Stand .. Do not report this to Ms. Fitri ...” ***dengan nada mengancam dan mendorong tubuh Afifa di ikuti dengan Ecsa ...sampai Afifa terjatuh lalu Afifa bangun dan duduk di mejanya kembali sambil jalan pincang****

Afifa is very sad because her friend's attitude. She was doing homework .... the bell rang and Ms.Fitri come into the classroom ... There in the class only Afifa is still doing homework

Ms Fitri : “Good morning”
Ms Fitri :”Good Morning Afifa”
Afifa      : “Good morning ... I'm sorry Mrs. I don’t know when you come ..”
Mrs Fitri : “Is this the act of the Septa and Ecsa?”
***sambil berjalan menuju bangku Afifa dan melihat tumpukan buku di Meja
Afifa dan Afifa hanya menunduk***

Ms Fitri: “Where are they?”
*** Afifa hanya menggeleng dan Septa dan Ecsa masuk ke kelas***
Ms Fitri : “where are you, please you get out and clean the school warehouse?”
***Septa dan Ecsa langsung keluar kelas dan Ms Fitri mengajak Afifa pergi dari kelas***


Septa : “Damn, Afifa always lucky Because Ms. Fitri ..”
Ecsa : “Right. We can throw her book in the trash bin . maybe she was not in class now ...”
Septa : “let's go to the class before getting caught ...”
***di kelas membuang buku Afifa lalu pergi***


**Afifa masuk ke kelas tampak kebingungan**
Afifa :” Where are my books? Why is not there?”
*** sambil melihat di sekelilingnya lalu Bu Fitri masuk***
Ms Fitri : “Is there a problem again?”
Afifa : “No, everything is alright “
Ms Fitri : “Well then ... Good afternoon”
Afifa : “Good afternoon”
*** Bu Fitri keluar lalu Afifa duduk di kursi sambil menelukup dan menangis***
*****Septa dan Ecsa masuk kelas***
Ecsa : “I saw a book in the trash bin.. it's got who? “
**Afifa duduk dan mengusap air matanya***
Afifa :” Where?”
*** Septa dan Ecsa kompak menunjuk kearah sampah lalu Afifa bergegas menuju tong sampah dan mengambil bukunya lalu memasukannya ke dalam tas***
Septa : “It was quite overwhelming, just for a book ..”
Ecsa :” Come on we go ... I'm bored in here ..”
*** Septa danEcsa pulang diikuti Afifa ***

One day Septa was playing her phone. At that time she was on the side of the road. Then suddenly there was a car lost control and crashed into the Septa .... this incident makes the Septa’s family become poor because hospital costs were expensive and Septa can’t go to school for one month. And one month later after the accident ..

***Septa masuk kelas menggunakan tongkat dan menabrak - nabrak meja kelas. Disana sudah ada Ecsa dan Afifa.....Ecsa melirik dan mencibir Septa, dan Afifa sedih melihat Septa yang sekarang buta***
Septa : “Ecsa, where are you ...”
Ecsa : “What i know you?”
Shintya:” Why do you act so”
Ecsa : “Who told you speak?”

Listen it that makes Septa sad and then she leave the classroom. Septa go to garden went alone and sit in a chair. Then Ms Fitri come ...


Ms Fitri : “Septa, I was a school principal here and according to the rules of the school. We
do not accept students with disabilities and behave badly so we give it two weeks
for you and Ecsa preparation for change schools”.
Septa :”What change schools?” ** meneteskan air mata **
Ms Fitri :”yes”
Septa :” then what my fate later?”
Ms Fitri :”I'm sorry. I can not help it has been the rules of the school
***mendengar itu Septa hanya bisa menangis...Bu Fitri pergi meninggalkan Septa***
Without there know, Afifa hear all that was said by Ms Fitri. Afifa is also sad because she knows if Septa’s family become poor now and Septa will excluded from the school and When Afifa wants to Comforted Septa, Septa is gone. And in the class, Septa can only be idle because she couldn’t follow the lesson. Other friends busy writing and Septa can only be idle because she can not write. Achievement of the Septa progressively worse and stayed another day Septa will be excluded from school. when the school bell rang Septa wants to go home, but he was confused to find her stick.

Septa :” Where is my stick , I've been put here”
**Afifa mengambilkan tongkatnya Septa dan menyerahkannya***
Afifa :” This is your stick”
Septa :” I do not need your help, before I could find it.”
***sambil merampas tongkat di tangan Afifa***
Afifa :” Let me help through the school gates.”
Septa :” Don’t touch me, go”. **sambil pergi **
Afifa : “Be careful” **lalu menuju ke bangku Ecsa***
Afifa : “Do you cruel?”
Ecsa :” What do you mean? How dare you shouted at me”
Afifa : “Septa is your friends?”
Ecsa :” Septa got me excluded from this school. I do not want to be friends with her and you”
Afifa : “She's already getting punished for her mistakes. If you are excluded from this
school you can still continue and how Septa? Septa’family is poor now and Septa
will drop. She is now blind. Would you be happy if he suffer like this?”
**menggebu gebu dan menitihkan air mata****
Ecsa : “WHAT ...She is now destitute? What she will not go back to school?”
Afifa :” Yes, She is also our friend and also your best friend from childhood. We should
help her. You must not get out of this school”
Ecsa : "How?"
Afifa : "Come, I know how"

On the trip, Afifa describes ways to Ecsa. And the next day ...

Septa:” why class feels very lonely?” **Septa hampir terjatuh namun ditangkap oleh Ecsa***
Ecsa :” I'm sorry ..”
Septa :” Ecsa”
Ecsa : “I'm sorry ...” ***sambil memeluk Septa dan menangis***
Ecsa :” This is all because of Afifa. She makes us realize that friendship will not be broken
Just because a small problem” *** sambil menggandeng tangan Afifa***
Septa : “Thank you Afifa. I’m Sorry”
Afifa : “Yes,This is not the finish we had to reassure Ms Fitri so that you are not excluded
from this school .... Education is very important for your future”
Septa :” But ..”
Ecsa :” We already have a solution.”
*** Bu Fitri masuk ke kelas***
Ms Fitri :” What are you doing? What you're arguing again”
***Ketiganya berlutut di hadapan Bu Fitri ***
Ecsa : “Please give us a chance to correct our mistakes and we promise we will
not behave badly”
Septa : “we will study very hard to pursue our lesson that has been left behind”
Ms Fitri :” I do not believe you will be ..”
Afifa :” I'm sure I'd be with them and the three of us promises to be a first
winner, second winner and third winner in the test this time.”
Ms Fitri:” Well I'll give you a chance to test next week. But if you do not fulfill
your promise then be prepared to go out from this school”
Ke tiganya :”Well, thank you very much”

Septa, Ecsa and Afifa are now always study groups together. When the day of the test arrives
Ecsa :” I was very nervous”
Afifa : “cool it all will be fine. And I'm sure promise that we say will come
Ecsa : “I wish Septa can also complete its test well in school there”.
Afifa :” Of course, we must be able to solve the test”

The bell rang and the test was started. They solve the test is very easily because they have to study hard and the day of the announcement of the test results
*** Bu Fitri menempelkan kertas hasil tes***

Septa :” What are the results?”
Ecsa :” Septa, Afifa got the first winner and I got third winner.”
Septa : “And I? Who's second?”
Mrs fitri: “The second is you.”
Septa : “Me? *** ketiganya lalu berpelukan lalu salim kepada guru***
Finally, they can fulfill their promise .Septa and Ecsa can continue to attend school. Truly, any problem in the world there must be solution. Our lack can not be a reason for us to stop learning. With Our lack we still can be success as long as we have strong determination and even if we have to change we must changed but changed for the better.

************The End***********
Drama Mini Bahasa Inggris "PENDIDIKAN" Drama Mini Bahasa Inggris "PENDIDIKAN" Reviewed by Lilis Mardiana on October 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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